Mighty announcement: Posthuman Saga RPG Reveal
We are excited to announce that Studio Agate and Mighty Boards will adapt the acclaimed Post-apocalyptic board game series, Posthuman Saga, into a high quality RPG using Studio Agate’s award-winning Shadows of Esteren system. Posthuman Saga is not just a board game: It is a rich, thematic universe that reflects on issues such as human evolution and its effects on society and everyday life in a post-apocalyptic world. The collaboration between Mighty Boards, publisher of beautifully crafted, immersive story board games with innovative systems, with Studio Agate, authors of Shadows of Esteren RPG, will push that immersive experience forward even more!
Posthuman Saga is a tactical survival adventure with RPG elements where you lead a character through the weird and wonderful world of Posthuman where unknown threats await at every turn of the road. You’ll need to forage for food, ammo and weapons if you want to survive. You’ll meet a cast of strange and memorable characters and find yourself in unexpected situations during story encounters. And through all this you will learn the ways of the Wilds, developing your character into a tougher and wilier explorer…unless the mutations turn you into a bumbling knot of limbs. This continually developing world lends itself perfectly to this future venture.
Throughout 2021, Mighty Boards and Studio Agate will embark on this adventure together. Posthuman Saga RPG will use the Shadows of Esteren game system authored by Studio Agate which will be specifically adapted and simplified for this implementation. Did we mention our excitement? While we do not yet have the 2022 release date finalized, we are just too excited to wait any longer to bring you into this developing world so…
Backers of Posthuman Saga and The Journey Home campaign LIVE NOW on Kickstarter as well as Shadows of Esteren backers will receive a preview of what is to come before anyone else. You will receive a PDF Beta of this RPG as soon as it becomes available. While this early version will be shorter than the final offering, it will include everything you need to play.